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5* I feel like I have lived and breathed the events of one of the darkest periods in history, The Sturmtaucher Triology has shattered my heart and made me cry at least a dozen of times. It’s the most comprehensive, and meticulously researched historical series I think I have ever read.

Lorraine Rugmann, The Book Review Café   Review    *Sturmtaucher Trilogy - Book of the year 2021*

5* I have experienced every emotion reading all three books which follow the lives of the Kastner and Nussbaum families from just before WW2 to liberation. I am a second generation of a survivor and I’m so moved that the author decided to write these powerful books despite not being Jewish. These books have been seared into my heart and I will never forget them.

Madeleine Black, Unbroken podcast  Review

5* 'The sensitive writing and extraordinary attention to detail throughout the Sturmtaucher Trilogy has ensured that these utterly consuming books will remain with me for the longest time. The Turn of the Tide is a fitting, moving conclusion to a majestic series which I can say without any hesitation is one of the best I have ever read. Please read it.

Karen Cole, Hair Past a Freckle  Review    *Sturmtaucher Trilogy - Book of the year 2021*

5* As the daughter of a Kindertransport child…Thank you Alan Jones for having the bravery to write such a book.

Since I read The Gathering Storm, all I've thought about is The Sturmtaucher trilogy. I waited impatiently for each book to be released and now, after exceeding even my wildest dreams in its brilliance, characterisations, dialogue, poignancy and more, I don't believe I'll ever read another book that will capture my soul as this did.

Melanie Preston Lewis, The Book Club on FaceBook   Review

4* Mixed feelings here really. Whilst all three books have been excellent and this was a great finale to the series I must say I felt it dragged on and on somewhat. Another good story but could have been shorter and still just as good.

Terry, Goodreads   Review

5* If I had to describe this trilogy in one word, I’d say it’s phenomenal. All three gave me a huge book hangover I’ve still not fully recovered from, and if I get around to making a Best of 2022 at the end of the year, I already know these three books will be at the very top. Highly, HIGHLY recommended

Kelly Van Damme, FromBelgiumWithBookLove  Review   *Sturmtaucher Trilogy - Book of the year 2021*

5* I just knew that this, the final instalment of The Sturmtaucher Trilogy, was never going to be a disappointment, yet I had no idea exactly how phenomenally moving it was destined to be. Alan has created a sprawling cast of core characters, who grew in stature with each passing chapter, whose voices became ever louder and stronger, demanding to have their stories heard by the outside world. Complex and emotionally driven, raw and passionate, often fragile and vulnerable; they are nonetheless completely genuine and believable, reliable and authentic, with a stoicism and loyalty born of necessity.

Yvonne, Fiction Books  Review

5* This is a stunningly brilliant trilogy. The research is impressive, the storytelling is sublime, the characters are memorable and this is something that will stay with me for a very long time.

Yvonne Bastian. Yvonnne, Me and My Books  Review  *Sturmtaucher Trilogy - Book of the year 2021*

5* This trilogy, which follows the fortunes of The Krastners, a very well respected German officer's family and their devoted Jewish servants and friends (the Nussbaums) ranks amongst the best books I have ever read. I've read many works of fiction set during WW2 and the Holocaust and this has literally topped them all.

Helen Boyce, The Book Club. Review

5* Embrace it, live it and feel every raw emotion in it. I have read quite a few books around the war years, and this has to rank at the top of them all.

Susan Hampson, Books from Dusk till Dawn  Review  *Sturmtaucher Trilogy - Book of the year 2021*

5* 'The Turn of the Tide is the stunning conclusion to the magnificent Sturmtaucher Trilogy that I have lived and breathed for the past few months.  Even when I wasn’t reading it, I was thinking about it and now that I’ve finished it, I’ll never forget it.Each book in this trilogy is an absolute masterpiece and for an author to write three books of such consistently high quality is incredible.   Alan Jones deserves every accolade that is coming his way and I cant see anybody honestly rating this book less than five stars - I would give it more if I could.  I don’t do top 10 books of the year anymore but if I did, I can guarantee that all three books of this superb trilogy would be fighting for the top spot.

Michelle Ryles, The Book Magnet  Review

5* 'I cant say how much I recommend this- it’s more of an experience than “just” a book... A stunning piece of writing and research, a wonderful multi plot line and characters to remember in all sorts of ways...This trilogy is on my top reads of 2022 and has to be a very strong contender for book of the year (I’m counting the whole trilogy in this). Stunning, gripping, wow!

Nicki Murphy, Nicki's Book Blog Review   *Sturmtaucher Trilogy - Book of the year 2022*

5* A word I rarely use, ‘Triumph’, but you know what, this word sums up what this book and trilogy really is. I can’t recommend the trilogy enough.

Mark Fearn, BookMark FB group   Review

5* 'The writing is outstanding, the historical research is second to none and the story line is heartbreaking.

Lorraine Fox, Goodreads Review

5* I've never felt the depth of feeling emotion and need for answers in reading a book as much as I had with Der Sturmtaucher Trilogy.

Susan Hunter, Crime Fiction Addict  Review

5* This is the third and last book in this trilogy and it is extremely hard to find words that will do justice to this epic masterpiece. As an avid reader of this genre these are the best books I have ever read on the subject and my congratulations and respect go to the author on publishing this amazing and unforgettable trilogy.

Greta Halliday, The Book Club on Facebook   Review

5*...these three novels are magnificent and I recommend them to you. They are truly superb and will live long in your memory.

Niall Connell, Past President, RCVS   Review

5* These are long books, but do not let this put you off! Once you get hooked in the story you will lose all sense of time. I shall mourn finishing the final book as I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

TW, Amazon review  Review

5* I have learned so much from seeing the world through the eyes of the Kastners and the Naussbaums. Every one of us should read this and never forget the horror and heroism therein.

Mr William A McMillan, Amazon review   Review

5* I read all three books, one after the other without a break. A masterpiece of storytelling. A book that I will remember for a long time.

Chris Whittaker, Crime Fiction Addict   Review

5* Fabulous book. Full of life under the Nazi government and the aftermath. All the characters are so well described that each and everyone is memorable. Heartbreaking but so uplifting. Highly recommended.

Harvey, Amazon review    Review

5* I have read many books, but the Sturmtaucher Trilogy rates amongst the best I have ever read.

Thalia, Amazon review   Review

5* These books were great with a wonderful storyline. So glad for the remnant that survired to tell the story. We never know how blessed we are.

Debbie Trammel, Goodreads   Review

5* So sorry this is the last book. A wonderful gripping book right up to the end, I have enjoyed them so much I will read them all again. Thanks Alan Jones for one of the best stories.

Nailbag, Amazon review   Review

5* The final book in this trilogy is just brilliant...The characters are so well drawn that in the end you dont want to say goodbye to them...This is one of the best Historical series I have read…

Louise Little, Amazon review   Review

5* A Masterpiece. long and detailed-meticulously plotted. The third book in this wonderful trilogy. The subject matter is grim but it is a very important story. Frustrating and heartwarming throughout. How could this have happened?

Amazon Customer   Review

5* If you have read the first two, you won't need me to tell you that you have to read this and find out how this wonderful tale concludes. These are long books but anyone who starts this trilogy will race to the finish.

Amazon Customer   Review

5* What a compelling read -  When I wasn’t reading I was thinking about the characters...Simply brilliant, just brilliant.

Annie, Amazon review   Review

5* Omg - What a fantastic read, heart warming after the terror of the previous two books of the trilogy which were amazing

Jude, Amazon review   Review

5* Cracking good story - Excellent read .. couldn’t put it down .. interesting slant on life in Germany in world war 2 highly recommend the trilogy

Mandy Clarkson, Amazon review   Review

5* I raced through the entire trilogy despite not wanting it to end. This is a must for historical fiction fans who enjoy WW2 stories.

DW, Amazon review   Review

5* I have read all of this trilogy and they have brought back my thoughts and memories of more than a few episodes of my life in the military. This trilogy is well worth a read as I was able to visualise what life (good and bad) was for many during the nineteen thirties and forties in Germany.

Sandy Thomson, Amazon review   Review

5* Fantastic series, each one better than the last. Educational and entertaining in equal measure. What do I do now?

D. W. J. Jones, Amazon review   Review

5* This is the third book in this incredible trilogy. Well researched with layers of history, political comment,and geographical commentary too, it informs, grips and tells a many layered and faceted story. Fact mixed with fiction and very moving and gripping too.

Jaqui, Goodreads   Review

5* I cannot recommend this trilogy enough. The writing and storyline is just amazing and I have loved every minute of reading the story of the kastners and naussbaums. If you haven’t read these books then go and get them now. Easy 5 star and above.

Mo, Goodreads   Review

5* I’ve just finished reading Turn of the Tide and don’t know what I’m going to read now after this phenomenal trilogy.

CatNeil, Amazon review  Review

5* This is the final book in The Sturmtaucher Trilogy and what an amazing, harrowing and beautifully written book, it's a masterpiece!!!! I felt as if the characters were real, I had images of them in my mind and they have a special place in my heart.

Audrey Gibson, Books on the Positive Side   Review

5* This is the final book in the Alan Jones, 'Sturmtaucher Trilogy' and it did not disappoint. Totally brilliant from start to breathtaking end...I have to say I read the last few chapters in tears.

Julie Young, The Book Club on Facebook RR  Review

5* 'The Turn of the Tide is tragic and hopeful and devastating and uplifting. Read all three books and read them in order. The books are a cautionary tale and brilliantly written.

Tammy Dewhirst, TBC RR group  Review

5* 'A phenomenal book and a phenomenal series. I feel like I knew the Kästners and the Nussbaums and while I know they are fictional characters, they are representative of the many families for whom these horrors were a reality. So for me and others they are real.

Veronika Jordan, BookChatter@Cookiebiscuit  Review

5* I enjoy historical fiction, especially if it’s set around WW1 or WW2 and, in my opinion, this series of books have been the best I’ve ever read.

Anne, Goodreads  Review

5* 'This is the most emotional trilogy I have read. Whether the characters were likeable or loathsome, they got under my skin.'

Dee Groocock, Books on the Positive Side   Review

5* 'I really don't have words for this book or for the other 2 for that matter except, wow, the historical research is brilliant.

Lynn McCarthy, TBC RR group  Review

5* This deserves so much more than a five-star rating. The entire triology is absolutely brilliant and would make a wonderful gift to anyone who likes historical fiction.

Fern Fleur, Patricia's Books  Review

5* Am just so sad that this is the end of a fabulous trilogy. I feel like I’m a little bereft now - going to take a very special novel to beat these! I would say that each book gets better & better but actually - that’s not the case - all three were as good as you get.  

Allie Samuel, TBC RR group  Review

5* I’m not lying when I say it is probably one of the most compelling novels I’ve read in a long time…The Gathering Storm is emotional, it is heart-breaking and it is a stark reminder of how easy it is for evil to take over when good people stand back and do nothing. This review will never do the justice this book deserves. I urge you, please go and read it. Now.

Sharon Bairden, ChapterInMyLife  Review *Top 10 Book of the year 2021*

I absolutely gorged on 800 pages of some of the most compelling, tense and captivating writing I have come across.  

Mik Brown, Shots Mag  Review

5* OMG. What a fantastic read, heart warming after the terror of the previous two books of the trilogy which were amazing.

Jude,  Amazon review  Review

5* This is part 3 and is as good as the first two novels. The author covers the latter part of WW2 but unlike many authors continues past the surrender and brings the horrors of what remained to life. This is a book I know I will read again and again.

Fingordie, Amazon review   Review

5* The Gathering Storm couldn’t have been a more perfect title for this book. You can feel the war brewing and it is a story that will have a deep impact on its reader.

Sarah Hardy, ByTheLetterBookReviews   Review

5* Once in a while you read a book that is truly exceptional

Donna Jones, Second World War Club FB group   Review

5* The perfection of the research is obvious. Absolutely incredible character development, where one feels as if they were living it along with them.

Mary Yamaguchi, Second World War Club FB group   Review

5* This book blew me away. The right blend of military detail with the creeping horror of what was coming slowly for Germany.

Fiona Grant, Second World War Club FB group   Review

5* Would thoroughly recommend this trilogy that seamlessly blends fact with believable characters and a storyline that keeps you engaged to the end.

Teresa Murphy, Beta Reader   Review

5* The writing of this author is unbelievably good, the characters come alive on the page and in fact I still think about them all these months later.

Sally Stackhouse,  Beta Reader   Review

5* Overall I can not recommend this book too strongly, especially given the times we are living through.

Rory Stewart, Gaff rigged boats worldwide   Review

5* I was hooked from the first page and although it’s a long read at

no point did I wonder if it would ever end.  In fact when I reached the last page I was disappointed.

Valerie Sheffield, Second World War Club FB group  Review

5* Thank you Alan Jones for creating this magnificent trilogy. I know these books will stay with me for a long time to come.

Gail Atkins, The Book Club on Facebook   Review

5* An absolutely amazing conclusion to a series of books that have gripped me from the start.

Beccy thompson, The Book Club on Facebook RR Review

5* The amount of research and care that has gone into this book is truly breathtaking. It could read more like a textbook and that wouldn't be as engaging but it doesn't. The characters are magnificently written, they are rounded, nuanced and memorable. I can feel the care with which the author has written about this part of history across every single page. It just comes to life and was moving and raw.

Leah Moyse, Reflections of a reader  Review

5* I learned more about the war from this book than anything else I have read or watched on TV. Many of the characters weren’t military, they were just normal people whose lives had been torn apart by the actions of leaders. How many were brainwashed, or chose to believe because it was easier. Heartbreaking, horrifying and original. Highly recommended.

Stephanie Rothwell, Stephs Book Blog  Review

5* The characters although fictional, feel real and you want to shout out to them to leave because you know what they are about to face. Very gripping and compelling read.

Elizabeth Rodgers  Review

5* A book that I feel everybody should read as almost an educational text. I found it an enthralling and most definitely an immersive story that broke my heart into a million pieces then stamped on it! Such an amazing book…can’t wait for the next one.

Sharon Rimmelzwaan, Beyond The Books  Review

5* Challenging and Rewarding. A fantastic read.

Gordon Smith  Review

5* I am very careful with my selection of historical novels set in WWII, both as a reader and as a reviewer, but The Gathering Storm, by the Scottish author Alan Jones was an inspired choice.

Ilana D. Weissz Wild Writing Life  Review

4* Now I have read books about this period before but never one so all encompassing as this one. And this is before we even get to the war proper...What stands out in this novel is the amount of research Alan has done in time, place and settings. He perfectly marries the mundane and everyday with descent into dictatorship and anarchy.

Alfred Nobile, Bertyboy123  Review

5* Absolutely marvelous work, from beginning to as end. From the detailed historical background, to the development of each of the characters the author brings us to know, relate to, and love, to keeping that bit of suspense until the end, wondering what each of their fates will be.

Karen Garcia, TBC RR group  Review

4* Great book

Sean Talbot  Review

5* This is the final book in the trilogy and words cant express how well they are well researched and written.

Pamela DeWolfe-Morton, The Book Club  Review