Blue Wicked

Alan Jones
Home About Sturmtaucher Trilogy The Cabinetmaker Blue Wicked Bloq

[Abdomen] The body cavity that contains the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas and bladder, etc.

[Abdominal] Relating to or of the abdomen

[Addison's disease] The adrenal gland produces insufficient hormones to control levels of glucose, sodium and potassium

[Addisonian crisis] Sudden collapse when Addison’s disease becomes critical

[Adrenal glands] A pair of small gland near the kidneys which produce the hormones aldosterone and cortisol

[Aldosterone] A hormone that controls the electrolytes, sodium and potassium, in the blood

[ALT] A chemical in the blood that is used to measure liver function

[Anal gland] A scent gland near an animal’s anus used to mark territory. Sometimes becomes blocked or over-full

[Anti-emetics] Drugs used to control vomiting

[Assays] Measurement of levels of chemicals, usually in the blood

[AST] A chemical in the blood that is used to measure liver function

[Ataxia] Imbalance, lack of fine control of movement

[Barium study] Still or multiple frame X-rays taken after barium has been given to show gastrointestinal function

[Bile acids] A chemical in the blood that can is used to measure liver function

[Biochemistry] A study of how biology works at a chemical level

[Blood glucose] The basic fuel carried round the body by the blood; controlled by insulin, cortisol and other hormones

[Carpal] The wrist area

[CPL] Cat Protection League, a UK-wide cat welfare society, now called Cat Protection

[Contusion] Bruising

[Cortisol] A hormone that controls blood glucose and many other chemical levels in response to stress

[Cranium] The part of the skull that contains the brain

[Creatinine] A chemical in the blood that is used to measure kidney function, and also muscle damage

[Cruciate ligament] There are two of these ligaments in each knee; rupture of one causes severe lameness

[Deposits] Small amounts of a substance laid down within an organ, or in a tube such as an artery or the intestine

[Depression fracture] Usually the skull, when broken bone is forced into the brain by an external impact

[Dialysis] External cleansing the blood of waste products when the kidneys fail to perform this function

[Diaphragm] The muscular sheet that separates the abdomen and the thorax, allowing breathing to take place

[Differential diagnoses] A list of possible causes for a group of symptoms

[Distally] Further away from the torso, usually on a limb

[DNA] The chemical chain within a cell nucleus that is the blueprint for an individual, and is unique to them

[E. Coli] One of many bacteria that can cause serious blood poisoning, an infection called septicaemia

[ECG] Electrocardiograph, a measurement of the electrical activity of the heart

[Electrolytes] Ions within the blood that keep us alive, including sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium

[Entire] A male animal that has not been castrated

[Ethylene glycol] A chemical, similar to ordinary alcohol, which is used as antifreeze, and is highly toxic

[Exotics] Animals kept as pets, excluding dogs and cats, such as chinchillas, lizards, snakes and monkeys

[Fibrosis] An organ’s normal tissue is replaced by scar tissue due to disease or trauma

[Fix] Preservation of a tissue by a chemical, usually prior to microscopic examination

[Foramen magnum] The opening at the back of the cranium, into the spinal canal

[Formol saline] A solution used to preserve pathological specimens

[Frontal area] The forward part of the cranium \ brain

[Gastric foreign body] A swallowed object in the stomach, usually plastic, metal or similar

[Gross examination] Inspection of something pathological with the naked eye

[Haematology] The examination of blood cells

[Heart base] The part of the heart where all the vessels leave and enter

[Histological] Examination of a stained thin section of tissue using a microscope

[Histopathology] Microscopic examination of diseased tissue

[Hypoglycaemia] Low blood sugar, usually as the result of too much insulin

[Insuloma] Insulin producing tumour of the pancreas

[Intracranial] Inside the cavity formed by the bones of the skull

[IV drip] Fluid therapy given intravenously

[Mediastinum] The central part of the chest between the lungs that contains the heart, trachea and oesophagus

[Mesenteric] Contained within the thin sheet that connects the intestines to the body

[Metacarpal] The bones immediately distal to the wrist

[Metatarsal] The bones immediately distal to the ankle

[Microchip] A small electronic device injected into an animal as a unique identifier

[MRI scan] Magnetic Resonance Imaging: a way of visualising the internal structures of the body

[Neuter] An operation to remove a male or female animal’s ability to produce offspring

[Non-pyrexic] Does not have a high temperature, or fever

[Oesophagus] The tube that passes food from the pharynx to the stomach

[Oxalate crystals] A type of crystal that grows within the kidney after antifreeze is ingested

[Parvovirus] A serious viral infection that causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting

[Pathology] The study of disease; the effect a disease has on the body

[Petit mal] A mild form of epileptic fit

[Pharynx] The part of the throat behind the tongue, before the oesophagus

[Phlebitis] Inflammation of the veins

[Physiology] A study of how biology works at a functional level

[Proximal] Closer to the torso, usually on a limb

[Pulmonary] To do with the lungs

[Rectal lavage] Where fluid is pumped into the rectum, then flushed out

[Renal failure] If kidney function falls below a certain level, filtering of the blood becomes compromised

[Spermatic] Connected with sperm production, or with the sperm themselves

[SSPCA] Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

[Syncope] Short period of missed heartbeats leading to a brief collapse

[Talus, calcaneus and the navicular bone] Some of the bones that make up the ankle

[Tarsal] Referring to the ankle

[Thoracic] Within the chest

[Thoracic opening] The small gap in the chest wall at the neck that the trachea and oesophagus pass through

[Thorax] The chest

[Toxicity] How poisonous a substance is

[Toxicology] Testing to determine the levels of a poisonous substance

[Trachea] The windpipe, carrying air to the lungs

[Transverse] Refers to something aligned across the body or limb

[Tubules of the kidney] Microscopic tubes that concentrate urine and filter impurities

[Unfixed] Tissue sent to the lab without being preserved, usually to test for bacteria or toxic substances

[Urea] A safe way for the body to excrete the by-products of protein metabolism; rises in levels of urea in the blood may indicate kidney failure

[Viral myocarditis] A virus infection of the heart muscle which can cause heart failure

[Actions] Police officers’ records of their daily findings

[Black light] Ultraviolet light that shows up various bodily secretions

[CCTV] Close Circuit TeleVision

[CID] Criminal Investigation Department

[DC] Detective Constable

[DCI] Detective Chief Inspector

[DI] Detective Inspector

[DS] Detective Sergeant

[E-fit] An electronically assembled estimation of a criminal’s appearance from eye witness reports

[ID parade] Identity parade

[PC] Police Constable, the lowest ranked uniformed police officer

[PF] Procurator Fiscal, the prosecuting arm of Scottish law

[PNC] Police National Computer; a database of criminals, wanted vehicles, missing persons, etc.

[Probationary year] The twelve months after police college when a new police officer works under supervision  

[Productions Officer] The officer overseeing the material evidence relating to the investigation.

[Remanded in custody] A prisoner is sent from a court to be kept in prison

[SOC team] Scene of crime team, who complete the forensic examination of a crime scene


Medical and Veterinary terms Police terms and acronyms