Sturmtaucher Trilogy
Date Chapters
02-Apr 63-67
03-Apr 68-74
04-Apr 75-78
05-Apr 79-84
06-Apr 85-92
07-Apr 94-105
08-Apr 105-112
09-Apr 112-115
10-Apr 116-117
10-Apr pm 117-123
Route of Der Sturmtaucher, April 1941
Click on the link for the date or the chapter number you require.
*Warning - possible spoilers - Do not view until you have read the chapters indicated.
11-16 Apr 124-148
16-Apr am 149-150
16-Apr 151-154
17-Apr 155-159
18-Apr 160-163
19-Apr 164-167
20-Apr 168-174
20/21-Apr 175
High resolution Chart - no route
Alan Jones Books
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