
A freylekhn geburtstag....Yiddish, Happy birthday. Literally 'a good birthday'

Abaft....Behind. 'Abaft the beam'

Abeam....To the side. 'A boat-length abeam'


Abwehr....German Army intelligence

Admiral....Kriegsmarine, Admiral

Aft....In front. 'Aft of the mast'

Ahnenpaß \ ahnenpass....Certification of being Aryan

Akvavit....Scandinavian spiced alcoholic drink. 'Water of life'

Aleichem Shalom....Reply to Shalom, 'Peace'

Alter furz....Old fart


amidships....Towards the centre of a ship or boat

Anschluss....Political union of Austria with Germany

Appell....Roll-call in POW or Concentration camp

Appellplatz....Roll-call  Square



Arbeitskommando....Work detail

Arbeitsscheue....Work shy, targetting the unemployed

Arsch....Arse, profanity



Aryan....Germans of Nordic type, untainted

Aryanised....Process where non-Germans deemed suitable to be classified as Aryans


Auf wiedersehen....Goodbye

Auffangslager....Reception camp, transit camp

Aufstehen....Get to your feet, stand up


Auschwitz....A Nazi concentration camp near Oświęcim in southern Poland

Ausland-SD....The Reich Foreign Security Service. In 1944, it took over the functions of the Abwehr

Ausschaltung....Elimination, often a euphemism for murder by the state

Auswanderung....Emigration, often a euphemism for deportation to Ghettos and camps


AWOL....Absent without leave

Babka....sweet braided bread or cake which originated in the Jewish communities of Poland and Ukraine

Backstay....Part of the rigging, from the top of the mast to the stern of the boat.

Bahnhof....Railway station

Bar-mitzvah....The initiation ceremony of a boy into adulthood at the age of 13

Bataillonen....Battalion, typically commanded by a lieutenant colonel, divided into companies

Bat-mitzvah....The initiation ceremony of a girl into adulthood at the age of 13


Baumhangen....Punishment: to be hung from a pole by hands tied behind back

BDM....Bund Deutscher Mädel, girls' wing of the Nazi Party youth movement, the Hitler Youth

Be’ezrát hashém....God willing, with the help of God

Beam....To the side. 'on the beam'


Beer hall putsch....Attempted coup by Adolf Hitler and his party in 1923

BEF....British Expeditionary Force

Belzec....a Nazi German extermination camp southeast of Lublin

Bergen-Belsen....Nazi concentration camp in the northern Germany

BerlinerTageblatt....German liberal newspaper, shut down by the National Socialists in 1939




Bight....A bay or recess in a coastline, also a loop of rope

Bimah....A raised platform in a synagogue where the Torah is read from

Binnacle....A vertical wooden stand that holds the boat's wheel

Birkenau, Auschwitz-II-Birkenau....Expansion camp, adjacent to Auschwitz in southern Poland

Bitte....Please\You're welcome

Blitzkrieg....A military tactic utilising speed, surprise, excellent communications and air support.

Blockführer....SS concentration camp guard in charge of a prisoner barrack


Blut und boden....Blood and Soil. Used as slogan for NSDAP campaign for German citizens to grow food for the nation

Blutschande....Blood shame', the adulteration of German racial purity by intermarriage with other non-Germanic races

Boche....British derogatory name for the German Army or German soldiers.

Bohemia....Western region of Czechoslovakia, part of Austrian empire before WW1

Bolshevik....Radical left wing party associated with the Soviet Union

Boom....The spar that supports the bottom of the mainsail

Bootshafen....Boat Harbour


Bow....Front end of a boat

Bratkartoffeln....Fried potato dish

Bratwurst....German sausage

Brigadeführer-SS....SS-Brigade Leader, Brigadier General

Broaching....A sudden change of a yacht's direction due to loss of control in strong winds or following waves

Brownshirts....Sturmabteilung, SA, so called because of their brown uniform

Brücke....Bridge, gangway, pier

Bubbe....Yiddish, grandmother

Bubbeleh....Yiddish term of endearment for a child

Buchenwald....A Nazi concentration camp near Weimar in central Germany

BUF,British Union....British Union of Fascists.  Formed in 1932 by Oswald Mosley.  British Union from 1937.

Bund Deutscher Mädel....BDM, Girls' wing of the Nazi Party youth movement, the Hitler Youth

Buoy....A floating marker for navigational or racing purposes

C\O....Commanding officer


CB....Confined to barracks

Challah bread....Braided loaf, with part of the dough, or Challah, set aside as an offering

Chametz....Leavening foods, forbidden on the Jewish holiday of Passover

Chamudah....Yiddish term of endearment, 'cutie-pie'

Chanukkah....Jewish festival commemorating Jerusalem's recapture and the rededication of the Second Temple

Cheder....A traditional school teaching children the basics of Judaism and the Hebrew language

Chef der....Chief of (Police, Abwehr, etc.)

cleat....A necked deck or spar fitting for attaching lines or warps to

Clubkapitän....Club captain

Coamings....The raised protective barrier around a yacht's cockpit

Cockpit....The recessed area for the crew in a yacht, and the steering position.

Comintern....The international wing of the Soviet Communist Party

Cresting....Waves that are breaking. They are very dangerous to vessels

Crosstrees....The spar crossing the mast which holds the shrouds away from the mast

Cutter....Sailing vessel with two foresails

Dachau....A Nazi concentration camp near Munich in southern Germany

Dankgottesdienste....Thanksgiving service

Davits....Arms used to hold and lower a lifeboat or launch on a ship

Deck-stepped....A mast whose base sits on the keel deck, supported by bulkheads below deck

Depowering....Letting a sail flap loose to lose its drive. Also luffing or stalling

Der Stürmer....Nazi newspaper famous for its rabid antisemitism




Deutschnationale Volkspartei....DNVP, a German Nationalist political party in coalition with the National Socialist Party in 1933

Deutsch-ostafrika....German East Africa

Deutsch-westafrika....German West Africa

Diaspora....A scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale. Historically, it has often referred to the dispersion of Jews

Dinghy....A small sailing vessel or rowing boat

DNVP....Deutschnationale Volkspartei, a German Nationalist political party in coalition with the National Socialist Party in 1933

Dornier....German aeroplane manufacturer

Downwind....Sailing with the wind directly behind the boat, or close to it

Drogue....A small canvas open ended cone used to slow a boat, to prevent broaching by following waves

DSO....Distinguished Service Order (DSO) is a British military decoration


Dumplingwurst....German term of endearment. Literally 'Dumpling sausage'

Ebb, ebbing....The outgoing tide


Ehrenzeichen....Badge of honour


Eins. Zwei. Drei. Vier....A count to four in German


Einsatzgruppen....SS death squads in Nazi Germany responsible for mass killings during WW2

Entschuldigung....Excuse me \  sorry

EP....Estimated position, using course, speed, time and tide

Erbhöfe....Hereditary farm

Ersatzkaffe ....Substitute coffee, used when real coffee became unavailable


Esterwegen....Nazi concentration camp in the northwest of Germany

F1-12....Beaufort scale, Force 0 (windless) to Force 12 (hurricaine)

Fachschule....Technical school

Fähnrich....Sub-company Sergeant Major

Feh....A Yiddish expression of disgust or disappointment

Feldpolizei....The secret military police of the German Wehrmacht

Feldwebel....Wehrmacht, Company Sergeant Major; Kriegsmarine, Petty Officer

Fischhafen....Fishing Harbour

Flossenbürg....Nazi concentration camp near the Czech border in Germany

Förde....Fjord, narrow inlet of water

Fore....Towards the front of the boat

Fore-and-aft....Front and back of the boat. 'Fore-and-aft rigged'

Forecabin....The accomodation at the bow of the boat

Foredeck....The part of the deck in front of the main mast

Foremast....Furthest forward mast in multiple-masted boat

Forepeak....A small locker at the bow of a boat

Fore-reaching....Setting sails amidships and lashing the rudder over for unhanded sailing

Foresail....The sail, or sails, set in front of the mast, usually on the forestay

Forestay....Rigging wire or rope that holds the mast vertically from the bow

Forward....Towards the front of the boat. 'forward of the mast'

Four-tonner....British Army lorry


Fräulein....Miss, salutation, or a young woman

Fregattenkapitän....Kriegsmarine, Frigate captain, Commander



Freiheitsnachrichtenblatt....Freedom news sheet. 'Kieler Jüdisches Freiheitsnachrichtenblatt'


Fritzies....British derogatory name for the Germans

Froy....Yiddish, woman


Führerhauptquartiere....Command post of Adolf Hitler as Commander in Chief of the Wehrmacht




Furzmaschinen....Fart machines

Gaff....Spar supporting the top of a sail, usually at around 30° from mast

Gaff-rigged....Sailing set up incorporating at least one gaff sail


Gauleiter....Regional governor under Nazi rule


Gebietsführer....Area leader



Gefilte....Jewish poached fish patties

Gefreiter....Lance Corporal


Geh.kdos....Abbreviation for Secret Command, For senior officers only

Geheime staatspolizei ....Gestapo, German secret police

Gehinnom....A place to go after death to atone for one's sins. A jewish version of purgatory

General der Infanterie, Artillerie etc....Lieutenant General, commands Corps

Generaladmiral....Kriegsmarine, Admiral

General-Feldmarschall....Field Marshall, commands Armies

Generalgouvernement....Part of Poland not incorporated into the Third Reich. Governed by Hans Frank, destination for the bulk of Europe's Jews during WW2

Generalissimo....Leader of the armed forces, specifically General Franco, Fascist leader of Spain

Generalleutnant....Major General, commands Division

Generalmajor....Brigadier, commands Brigade

Generaloberst....General, commands Army, Armies

Gentile....Hebrew term for a non-Jew

Germanisation....Resettling of Germans to occupied countries; indoctrination of acceptable foreign children

Gesellschaft....Company, industrial


Gespräch....Conversation, chat

Gestapo....Geheime staatspolizei, German secret police


Giftpilz....Toadstool, 'The poisonous mushroom'

Gimballed....Instrument or appliance suspended on arms allowing it to stay level despite the heel, or tilt, of a yacht

Glockengeläut....Church bell ringing

Gooseneck....The connecting joint between the mast and the boom

Goose-winging....Sailing directly downwind with mainsail and foresail set out on opposite sides of the yacht

Goyim....Yiddish, non-Jews, not complimentary

Großadmiral....Kriegsmarine, Admiral of the Fleet


Ground....To Ground a boat is to touch the bottom, to run aground

Grundschule....Infant School

Gruppenführer-SS....SS-Group Leader, Major General

Guardrail....Usually wire, they stop crew falling overboard

Gunwale....the upper edge or planking of the side of a boat or ship

Guten Abend....Good evening

Guten morgen....Good morning

Gybe....Turning a yacht with the wind crossing behind the stern. Can be a dangerous manoeuvre if uncontrolled

Haavara agreement....A German scheme to encourage Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 -1933


Haganah....Jewish paramilitary organization in the Palestine Mandate 1920 - 1948

Haggadah ....The Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder

Halakha....The collective body of Jewish religious laws derived from the written and Oral Torah

Half-tracks....Military vehicle with front wheels and tracks behind

Halyards....Lines on a yacht that are used to hoist sails and spars attach the jib to the forestay by it's hanks, allowing it to be hoisted by the jib halyard

Hannukah....See Chanukkah

Hashém\hashem....Jewish name for God

Hauptamt....Main office

Hauptbahnhof....Main railway station

Hauptmann....Captain, 2nd-I-C to Major (Company)

Hauptscharführer....SS-Head Company Leader

Hauptscharführer-SS....SS-Head Company Leader, Master Sergeant

Hauptsturmführer....SS-Head Storm Leader

Hauptsturmführer....Head storm leader

Hauptsturmführer-SS....SS-Head Storm Leader, Captain

Havn....Harbour in Danish

hawsepipe....A right angled pipe set through the deck to take the anchor chain to its locker

Heer....German Army after 1935

Heeresleitung....Army command


Heinkel....German aeroplane manufacturer

Herr....Mr, Salutation

Himbeerschnitt....Raspberry shortbread

Hitlerjugend, HJ....Hitler Youth, National Socialist organisation for boys


Höchster geheimhaltung....Maximum confidentiality (Top Secret)

Hof....Court, often used in hotel names


Hora....Hebrew group dance, usually done by men


HSSPF....Regional Security Representative directly accountable to Heinrich Himmler

hydrophones....Listening device on a submarine for ships engines

ICRC....The International Committee of the Red Cross

Im yirtzeh hashem....God willing

Innenhafen....Inner Harbour

Jachtclub....Yacht Club

Jawohl....Yes sir

Juda....Jewish peoples

Jude, Juden....Jew, Jews

Judenfrage....Jewish question

Judenfrei....Free of Jews

Judenhaus\ Judenhäuser....House(s) set aside to accommodate Jews made homeless by Nazi laws

Judenhund, Judenhunde....Jew dog

Judenjagden....Jew hunts, carried out by Einzatzgruppen

Judenjäger....Jew hunters

Judenknecht....servant of the Jews

Judenlaus\ Judenläuse....Jew-louse\Lice

Judenliebhaber....Jew lover

Judenmörder....Jew Killer

Judenrat....Jewish council, appointed by Nazi authorities to control Jewish populations

Judenrein....Cleansed of its Jewish presence




Jüdische \ Jüdisches....Jewish

Jungvolk....Young people

Kaddish....Jewish spoken hymn, often refers to mourner's Kaddish, a prayer for the dead


Kaffeeklatsch....Coffee gossip

Kaiser....German emperor

Kamerad\Kameraden....Friend(s), comrade(s)

Kampf....Struggle, Fight, battle

Kapitän zur see, captain....Captain

Kapitän zur See, Captain....Kriegsmarine, Captain


Kapitänleutnant....Kriegsmarine, Lieutenant



Kartoffelpuffer....Small potato pancakes served with an apple sauce


Kedge anchor....A second anchor, usually at the stern, to hold a vessel aligned to the sea or the wind

Keel....Lowest part of a boat

Keelboats....Yacht with an inbuilt Keel

Keel-stepped....A mast whose base sits on the keel and penetrates the deck

Kennkarte....German Identification card

Keriah....A strip of cloth ripped during a funeral, symbolic of rending of clothing

Ketch....Two masted sailing vessel with the mizzen mast in front of the rudder

Kibbutz....A collective community in Israel traditionally based on agriculture.

Kinderlandverschickung (KLV)....The evacuation of children in Germany during the World War II

Kindertransport....Trains used to transport thousands of Jewish children from Germany to Britain just prior to WW2

Kippah....Brimless hat worn by Jewish men as a head covering


Kirchenfest....Church festival

Knödel....Savoury dumplings

Kommodore....Kriegsmarine, Commodore

Kompanie....Company, a unit of soldiers, around 100 - 150 men, usually commanded by a Major

Konteradmiral....Kriegsmarine, Rear-Admiral, Counter Admiral

Korvette....Corvette, a small naval fighting vessel

Korvettenkapitän....Kriegsmarine, Lieutenant-Commander

Kosher....Food that complies with the strict dietary standards of traditional Jewish law

KPD....Communist party of Germany during the Weimar Republic

Kriegsakademie....Naval academy

Kriegsmarine....German Navy after 1935

Kriegsschule....Navy college

Kriminalassistent....Criminal Assistant, Gestapo, rank 2

Kriminalassistentanwärter....Criminal Assistant Guard, Gestapo rank 1

Kriminaldirektor....Criminal Director, Gestapo rank 6

Kriminalinspektor....Criminal Inspector, Gestapo rank 4

Kriminalkommissar....Criminal Commissioner, Gestapo rank 5

Kriminalpolizei, KriPo....Criminal Investigation Department CPD

Kriminalsekretär....Criminal Secretary, Gestapo rank 3

Kristallnacht....The night of broken glass', a pogrom against Jews in response to the assasination of a German diplomat in Paris

Kübelwagen....German equivalent of a jeep or landrover


kugel....A potato dish

Kunsthalle....Art Gallery

Künstlerspaint....Artist's paints

Kvell....Yiddish, Proud

Lagerführer....Camp leader

Länderbahnen....Regional railways


Landespolizei....National Police

Lashed....Tied down

L'Chaim....To life, Hebrew toast

Lebensborn....Nazi breeding program for unmarried mothers. The resulting babies were to be raised by the Reich

Lebensraum....Living space', the concept of German territorial expansion to provide homes and resources for German citizens

Lebensunwertes Leben ....Unfit for life', disabled, the old and the mentally ill, euthanased by the Nazi authorities

Leberknödel....Small liver dumplings

Lederhosen....Traditional leather breeches

Leech....The front edge of a sail, attached vertically to the mast or to a stay

Leeway....The amount of sideways drift of a vessel due to wind

Leutnant....2nd Lieutenant

Lieblingsmädchen....Term of endearment, 'favourite girl'


Lt....Shortened form of light, or lighthouse, used in navigation

luff....The rear edge of a sail

luffed....An unfilled, or stalled sail

Luftwaffe....German air force

Mädchen, Mädel....Girl

Maginot line....A series of defensive fortresses that guarded the French border with Germany

Mainsail....The primary sail flying from the main mast, with a swinging boom at its foot

Mainsheet....The rope that controls the boom, and hence the mainsail

Majdanek....Nazi concentration camp near Lublin in Poland

Major....Major, commands Company: 100-150 men

Mamzer....A person who is born as the result of certain forbidden relationships or incest

Marineunteroffizierschule....Naval NCO school

Mark....Short for Reichsmark, currency from 1924 to 1948


Marktplatz....Market place, market square

Marzahn....A Nazi concentration camp in Berlin that housed mainly Gypsies

Matjes....Pickled herrings


Matrose....Kriegsmarine, Ordinary rating/seaman

Matrosengefreiter....Kriegsmarine, Able rating/seaman

Matrosenhaupgefreiter....Kriegsmarine, Leading Hand

Matrosenstabsgefreiter....Kriegsmarine, Petty Officer

Matzah....Unleavened bread, eaten during Passover

Matzah ball....Jewish soup dumplings

Maultaschen....Pasta dish

Mauthausen....A Nazi concentration camp near Munich in upper Austria

Menorah....A nine-lamp candelabrum used on the Jewish holiday of Hanukka

Mentsh....Yiddish, a good person

Meshugener....Yiddish, a crazy person

Mettwurst....A strongly flavored German sausage made from raw minced pork preserved by curing and smoking, often with garlic

Meydaleh....Little girl

Mischling, Mischlinge(pl)....A person of mixed Jewish blood

Mizzen....Primary sail on the mizzenmast

Mizzenmast....Second, smaller mast aft of the main mast on ketch or a yawl



National socialist party, NSDAP....Fascist party of Adolf Hitler, shortened to Nazi by Western Allies

Nationalsozialistische....Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, National Socialist Party

Near-gale....Force 7 on Beaufort scale, wind 28-33 knots

Neuengamme....Concentration camp close to Hamburg

Nisht gefloygn....Yiddish, unbelievable

NM....Nautical mile, equal to 1.15 statute miles, 1 minute of latitude

Non-aryan....Not conforming to racial stereotype required in Nazi Germany

Nordmark....Work camp at Hassee, near Kiel, northern Germany

Nord-Ostsee-Kanal....The canal that runs from the Elbe estuary in the north sea to Kiel on the Baltic

Nordsee....North Sea

NSDAP....Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, National Socialist Party

Nuremberg....City in Bavaria, in south of Germany, home of some of the largest Nazi rallies and birthplace of the Nuremberg race laws

Oberbannführer....Hitler Youth, Senior Banner Leader

Oberbürgermeister....Lord Mayor

Oberfähnrich....Division Sergeant Major

Oberfähnrich zur See....Kriegsmarine, Midshipman

Oberfeldwebel....Kriegsmarine, Chief Petty Officer

Oberfeldwebel....Battalion Sergeant Major

Oberführer-SS....SS-Senior Leader, Colonel


Obergruppenführer-SS....SS-Senior Group Leader, Lieutenant General

Oberkommando der Wehrmacht....OKW, High Command of the Wehrmach

Oberleutnant....Lieutenant, commands Platoon \ Trup\ Unit :30 men

Oberleutnant zur See....Kriegsmarine, Sub-Lieutenant

Oberpräsident....High President, usually of one or more of the Reichs's regions

Oberscharführer-SS....SS-Senior Company Leader, Sergeant 1st Class

Oberschütze....Private 1st Class

Oberschütze-SS....SS-Head Private

Oberst....Colonel,Brigade\ division, command or 2nd-I-C

Oberstgruppenführer-SS....SS-Supreme Group Leader, General

Oberstleutnant....Lieutenant Colonel, commands Sub units of up to 650 men

Obersturmbannführer-SS....SS-Senior Storm Command Leader, Lieutenant Colonel

Obersturmführer-SS....SS-Senior Storm Leader, 1st Lieutenant

OKW....Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, High Command of the Wehrmach


Orcas....Killer whales

OrPo....Ordnungspolizei, 'Order Police'. Uniformed police force


Ostjuden....Eastern Jews, usually emigrated to Germany from Russia due to pogroms in late 1800s, early 1900s

Ostsee....Baltic Sea

Oświęcim....Village in Southern Poland, close to Auschwitz-Birkinau death camp

Outhaul....A line that tensions the mainsail out along the boom

Pah....German expression of disbelief or frustration

Palmach....Elite fighting force of the Haganah, the Jewish underground army in Palestine.

Paradeplatz....Parade square

passage-making....Sailing a yacht from one destination to another

Pentateuch....The first five books of the Torah, and the Christian bible

Pfennig....Penny, German currency

PHM....Port hand mark, a buoy marking the left side of the channel

Platz....Place, Square

Poch....A German card game

Pogrom....Organised violence aimed at the massacre or expulsion of an ethnic or religious group

Polacks....Derogatory term for Polish people


Pooped....Yacht's cockpit filled with water, usually from a wave crashing over the stern

Port....The left side of a vessel, looking forward

Purchase....Two wooden blocks, or pulleys, with a reduction gear of 3 or 4 to one, to exert greater pull on a rope.

Purim....Jewish holy day, 'The deliverence of the Jews'


R\T....Radiotelephonic communications

Rassenschande....Racial disgrace

Rathaus....Town hall


Ravensbrück....Concentration camp 90 km north of Berlin

Reaching....Sailing with the wind across the deck, often the fastest point of sail

Realschule....Secondary school, equivalent to comprehensive school

Regatta....Sailing race festival

Reich....Realm, empire. Used by National Socialists for Germany and all territories occupied during WW2

Reichsadler....The eagle insignia of the Third Reich

Reichsbahn....German railways

Reichsbank....National bank of Germany

Reichschancellery, Reich Chancellery....The office of the Chancellor of Germany

Reichsführer-SS....SS-Command. Heinrich Himmler

Reichsheer....German Army prior to 1935


Reichsmarine....German Navy prior to 1935

Reichsmarks, RM....German currency from 1924 to 1948

Reichsminister....Minister of the German government

Reichspost....German national post office

Reichstag....German parliament

Reichsvereinigung....Reich Association

Reichswehr....German Armed forces prior to 1935

Rheinland....Rhineland, a region of Germany ceded to France after WW1 in the Versailles Treaty

Rigging....The wires or ropes that hold up the mast or masts on a yacht

Rinderrouladen....Rolls of stuffed beef

RNVR....Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNVR), to utilise amateur sailors during wartime

Rosh Hashanah....Jewish new year

Rottenführer-SS....SS-Band Leader, Corporal

RSHA....Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Main Office

Rugelach....A filled pastry product originating in the Jewish communities of Poland


Running Backstay....Paired backstays on both sides of mainsail, used alternately. Changed over when gybing

Running fix ....A way of fixing a boat's position on the chart with only one point of reference


Saar, Saarland....A region of Germany administered by France after WW1 in the Versailles Treaty

Sachsenhausen....Concentration camp 35 km north of Berlin

Samson post....A strong metal bollard at the bow or stern of a vessel to tie lines to

Sandtorte....German cake, very popular in Schleswig Holstein

Sappeur....Combat engineer

Sardinenpackung....Sardine packing', the method of shooting Jews to stack more into a mass grave

Sauerbraten....A beef dish marinated for days, then slow-cooked for twelve hours

Sauerkraut....Pickled Cabbage

scandalising....Lifting the boom of a sail to depower it quickly

Schadenfreude....The deriving of pleasure, or relief, from someone else’s misfortune

Scharführer-SS....SS-Company Leader, Staff Sergeant


Scheiße....Shit, shite, faeces

Scheißkerl....Shit guy, literal - general insult


Schlagball....Similar to the British game of rounders

Schleswig-holstein....Most northern of the German states, borders with Denmark, with whom the territory was historically disputed

Schloss....Castle or palace

Schmeckel....Yiddish insult. Penis

Schmendrick....Yiddish, Ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person


Schnapps....An alcoholic beverage that may take several forms, including distilled fruit brandies and flavored liqueurs

Schneebälle....Snowball', a shortcrust pastry treat


Schnell....Fast, quick

Schnitzel....Thin slice of meat, usually breaded before frying




Schutzstaffel ....SS, National Socialist political armed wing

Schwachkopf....Bonehead, imbecile, halfwit




SD....Sicherheitsdienst des reichsführers-ss, German Security Service, part of SS

Seacock....A through-hull valve for the expulsion or intake of water

See....German for a body of water, lake or sea

Shabbat....Jewish Sabbath, from just before sunset on Friday to nightfall on Saturday

Shalom....Jewish greeting, 'peace'

Shalom aleichem ....Peace be upon you

Shanah Tovah....Greeting on Rosh Hashanah, 'have a good year'

Shanah Tovah Umetukah....Happy Jewish New Year

Sheets....Lines that control sails on a yacht

Shema....A prayer that serves as a centerpiece of the morning and evening Jewish prayer services

Shiksa....Yiddish, Gentile woman

Shkoyekh....Yiddish, thankyou

Shlaym....Yiddish, scum

Shleger ....Yiddish, Bully

SHM....Starboard hand mark, a buoy marking the right side of the channel

Shoal....An area of shallow seabed

Shrouds....Rigging wires or ropes that hold the mast vertically at each side. Often in pairs

Sicherheitsdienst des reichsführers-ss....SD, German Security Service, part of SS

Sicherheitspolizei(SiPo)....Nazi state political and criminal investigation security agencies


Sippenhaft....Law making family share the responsibility for a crime  committed by one of its members

Sonderkeller....Special cellar', Nazi euphamism for gas chamber

Sonderkommando....Work units made up  prisoners, usually Jews, to aid the loading of of gas chamber victims

Sounding....Taking a depth reading, usually with a lead line in the 1930s and 40s

Sparkasse....Savings bank

Spars....A wooden pole used in the rigging of a yacht to support its sail. Includes yards, booms, and masts

Spindrift....Spray blown from cresting waves during a gale

Spinnaker....A large sail for downwind sailing that flies from the front of the yacht

SS....Schutzstaffel, National Socialist political armed wing

Staatsgeheimnisse declaration ....Similar to signing the Official Secrets Act

Staatspolizei....State Police

Stabsfeldwebel....Regimental Sergeant Major, Heer; Chief Petty Officer, Kriegsmarine

Stabskapitänleutnant....Kriegsmarine, Lieutenant

Stabsoberfeldwebel....Kriegsmarine, Warrant Officer

Städtische....City, urban

Standartenführer-SS....SS-Standard Leader, Colonel

Starboard....The right side of a vessel, looking forward

staysail....A second foresail set aft of the Genoa or Jib, in parallel or alone in high winds

Stillgestanden....Stand still. Stand to attention

Stormtrooper....SS soldier

Strafing....Aerial attack of ground targets using mounted automatic weapons

Strandkörbe....Beach chairs


Streuselkuchen....Crumb cake

Stücke....Literally 'pieces', The number of Jews killed on an Einsatzgruppen aktion

Stuka....Junkers Ju 88s. German dive bomber

Stukas....Junkers Ju 87, a Luftwaffe dive-bomber

Sturmabteilung....SA, Paramilitary wing of National Socialists. Eventually superceded by SS

Sturmbannführer-SS....SS-Storm Command Leader, Major

Stürmerkasten....Street-corner billboards for the public to read Der Stürmer

Sturmmann-SS....SS-Storm Man, Lance Corporal

Sturmscharführer-SS....SS-Storm Company Leader, Sergeant Major


Sudetendeutsche....Ethnic Germans from the Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia

Sudetenland....The Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia, ceded to the Czechs after WW1

Tacking....The process of sailing upwind by making a series of legs at 45° angle to the wind

Talmud....The central book of Rabbinic Judaism, the source of much Jewish religious law

Tell-tails....A piece of yarn or fabric attached to a sail, a stay, or any rigging to indicate wind flow

The hard....Concrete or stone slip for launching small boats, usually at a yacht club

Topmast....A small spar at the top of the main mast to carry the topsail

Topping lift....A halyard that holds the boom up when not supported by the mainsail

Topsail....A small sail that fits between the mainsail's gaff and the topmast

Topsides....Part of the hull between the waterline and the deck

Torah....The Hebrew Bible, often refers to the five books of Moses, but can include up to 24

Totenkopfverbände....SS Death’s head units

Tsuris....Yiddish, worries

Tyrol....Historical region in the alps, split between Austria and Italy



Ul.....Abbreviation for Ulica, street in Polish

Ungarnaktion....The deportation and killing of Hungary's Jews


Unterfeldwebel....Platoon Sergeant Major

Untermensch\Untermenschen....Sub-human(s) Term used for Jews in Nazi Germany


Unterscharführer-SS....SS-Under Company Leader, Sergeant

Unterseeboot....U-boat, submarine

Untersturmführer-SS....SS-Under Storm Leader, 2nd Lieutenant

Veer....Usally refers to the wind, swinging round to clockwise on the compass


Verdammt....Curse. Damned

Vermögens....Riches, property, fortune

Verordnung....Decree, regulation

Versailles....Town in France where the Treaty of Versailles at the end of WW1

Vierjahresplan....The Four Year Plan was a series of economic measures overseen by Hermann Göring

Vizeadmiral....Kriegsmarine, Vice-Admiral

Völkischer beobachter....The newspaper of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) from 25 December 1920

Volksempfänger....The 'People’s Receiver', a subsidised German state radio set

WAAF....Women's Auxiliary Air Force

Waffen-SS....Military branch of the SS

Warps....Ropes used to secure a vessel to the shore

Warps....Ropes securing a vessel to a harbour wall or jetty

Washboards....The removable boards closing off the companionway on a Yacht

Watches....The splitting up of the day into 4-6 hour periods to rotate crew on deck

Watchkeeping....To be on watch, to navigate the yacht and keep a lookout

Way....When a vessel is moving under control it has way on

Wehrmacht....German armed services after 1935

Wiener schnitzel....Thin, breaded, fried veal cutlet

Winch....A drum shaped mechanical device used to control halyards and sheets

Windlass....A winch on a ship, often for hauling an Anchor on a yacht

Withy sticks....Tall willow sticks used to mark the sides of small little-used channels

Wolfsschanze....The Wolf's Lair , Adolf Hitler's first Eastern Front military headquarters


Yirtzeh Hashem.....God willing

Yom Kippers....Affectionate name given to interned Jews by Isle of Man residents for their love of smoked fish

Yom Kippur....Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year in Judaism


Zurückgehen....Move back

Zyklon-B....Gas used in gas chambers to kill Holocaust victims

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